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Closed Loop Feedback

Fueled with proven change management practices, We provide your teams with a sustainable process to act on customer feedback.

Hear from customers where it matters most

Leveraging the Moments of Truth and friction points in the customer experience, we identify the ideal opportunities and questions to ask in order to measure the emotions and behaviors in the customer experience.

Respond directly to customer feedback

Establish a sustainable process for providing timely information to your customers on their feedback – both positive and negative  – so you can not only receive their feedback, but act on it.

Design customer-centric improvements

By obtaining this customer experience data, strategic initiatives can be formed to systemically address customer friction points and their root causes, producing a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centricity within your organization.

Our Approach

Create a Sustainable Process

A closed loop feedback system has to not only be effective but compatible with your organization’s operations. We interview your key stakeholders across the organization to produce a process that is easy to implement and drives prompt action on customer feedback.

Leverage CX Technology

Our team establishes the right tools to execute on a closed loop feedback system, but also provides recommendations on your organization’s CX technology stack to leverage your existing tools to their fullest potential.

Enable Your Teams

Change doesn’t occur without people. We build the change management plan so that the organization understands the value, and has the knowledge and tools they need, with a plan to reinforce the new process.

Do B2B Better

Do B2B Better is a call to action for business-to-business (and B2B2C) organizations to improve their customer experience strategy, leveraging a powerful model called the CX Loyalty Flywheel. Learn what sets change-making CX programs apart from the competition and deliver exceptional experiences and bottom-line results for your organization.

More resources for you.